Michael M. Covell, BA
Medical Student, Class of 2026
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Kensington, MD, US
Jan-Karl Burkhardt, MD
Assistant Professor
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Sandreep Kandregula, MD
Endovascular Fellow
University of Pennsylvania, United States
Chandu Palepu, BS
Medical Student
St. Georges, United States
Saarang Patel, BS
Medical Student
Thomas Jefferson University, United States
Stefan Prvulovic, BS
Medical Student
Georgetown University School of Medicine, United States
Georgios S. Sioutas, MD (he/him/his)
Research Fellow
University of Pennsylvania, Department of Neurosurgery
Philadelphia, PA, US
Visish M. Srinivasan, MD
Assistant Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Thomas Stirrat, BS
Medical Student
Georgetown University School of Medicine, United States