Aladine A. Elsamadicy, MD
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, CT, US
Nabihah Ahsan, n/a
Yale University, United States
Samuel Craft, M.S.
Medical Student
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Michael DiLuna, M.D.
Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Astrid C. Hengartner, B.S.
Medical Student
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Sumaiya Sayeed, B.S.
Medical Student
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Paul Serrato, M.S.
Medical Student
Yale School of Medicine, United States
Dominick Tuason, M.D.
Attending Physician
Yale School of Medicine
East Brunswick, New Jersey, United States